Monday, April 11, 2011

My Argumentative Subject

The Issue: The DNR's solution to stopping CWD is the mass killing of deer in the area for testing or "control kill."
My Side: Despite control killing being an effective way of controlling CWD, there are better and more humane ways of quarantining the disease without destroying a large portion of an area's deer population.

Hannity Argument

The primary conflict/issue is students and people affiliated with Boston College protesting against Conda Lisa Rice getting her honorary degree at BC. The disagreed with her Iraq war strategy and believes shes a liar.

The Debate between Hannity and Professor Almond and Colmes.

1.)The issue that they are debating was not about conda lisa rice but about whether Professor Almond is correct in his thinking and whether or not he has the correct sources to back up his opinions that disagree with Rice and why he quit his job.
2.) Hannity repeatedly asked Almond a complex question if he Voted for Kerry in the last presidential election because he was trying to get Almond to admit to voting for Kerry. Kerry stated that there were nuclear weapons and Hannity knew Almond believes there are no weapons so he's attacking him and trying to get Almond to prove himself wrong. Then he could bait Almond and accuse him to be a hipocrit for quitting his job. Hannity kept asking if he was a true democrat and if he agrees with Kerry and rudely interrupts Almond several times. He uses a few fallacies when attacking him like complex question, red herring, and ad hominem.
3.) Colme's Question to Almond was simply why did you quit your job over Rice getting her degree? He wanted to know his reasoning behind him quitting his job. His point was that there had to of been better pays to protest instead of quitting. He uses Ad hominem fallacies.
4.) Almonds response was ignoring the questions and sticks to his story that morality plays a role and politics isn't always the answer. He believes that Rice is a Liar and gives an example of WMDs. He restates the morality part of his answers and sounds jumbled.

Fallacies not to use in my paper

Argument to logic- just because you've pointed out logical fallacies in your opponents argument, it doesnt make you correct.

Appeal to pity- ex: starving children commercial, animal shelter commercial; ignored proposed solutions and straight appeal to emotion.

Argument to the point of disgust- saying something again and again repeating the point without backing up proposed solutions

Appeal to the public-prove something by proving the public agrees with you. ex: strength in numbers

Non sequitur (it doesn't follow)- doesn't have anything to do with whats going on. ex: Family Guy

After this, therefore because of this- assuming that A caused B simply because A happened before B.

Red Herring- Introducing irrelevent facts or arguments to distract from questions at hand.

Appeal to Authority-when someone tries to demonstrate the truth of the proposition by citing someone who agrees even though that person has no expertise in the given area.

Circular Logic-kid logic, when someone uses what theyre trying to prove as part of the proof of that hing.

Complex Question- implicitly assumes something to be true by its construction. ex: have you stopped beating your wife?

Spoke simply, Le., sweeping generalization- stereotyping, ex: all men are pigs, all old people are bad drivers

Appeal to Nature- pot should be legal because it's natural, sugar is natural, natural is good

Argument to antiquity or Tradition- acceptable because its always been done this way. ex: south's argument against slavery, why stop now its always been done this way, green house gases have been fine in the past so are fine now

Ad hominem- attacking the character or motives of a person who has stated an idea, rather than the idea itself, sarcasm

Argument to Ignorance- hasn't been proven false so therefore it's ok

Slippery Slope- Adopting one fallacy or taking one action will lead to to a series of other policies or actions also being taken. ex: pot will lead to crack and LSD

Straw Man- happens with every president in office, opposition put words into his mouth and creates a different meaning of what he said. distorting someones view, putting words into someone elses mouth

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Good Thunder Reading E.C.

           There were two readers that presented some of their writings on Thursday the 17th.
The first was Amanda Shumacher, a young woman in her third year of the MFA program at Mankato. She mainly writes young adult novels to short stories to personal essays. Her reading consisted of a section of one of her young adult novels. It was a scene with a girl named Josie laying in her room looking back on her mother's death and wondering when people will stop grieving for her pain and misery.
           This section of writing was very deep and emotioinal. The details of Josies thoughts were very vivid and painted a picture of what Josie was like. She lost her mother when she died due to a drunk driver. She herself had mostly gone past the stage of grieving of her mother, but there were friends who still reminded Josie of how bad the situation is and how they know how she feels, but she is critical and sees right through these people. She also developed a stealing habit, which suggests her reaching out for attention and something to take her mind off her mother.

           Also the well known fiction writer George Saunders. George Saunders has won many award for his unique style of writing in his short stories. Along with short stories he has also published children books and books of short essays. In the short fiction story titled "Victory Lap" he read in class he displayed his interesting stlye of writing. The story is written from three points of view and occasionally jumps from one of the character's view to the next. The characters are Allison a pretty young teenage girl who loves ballet and is slightly self obsessed. Next is Kyle, a tall skinny scrawny pale cross country kid who is a bit of a nerd due to the seclusion his parents make him live in. The last is the point of view of an middle-aged overall dumb man who turns out to be a kidnapper.
           Saunder's writing makes it seem like your literally in the head of the character and the character has schytzophrenia. There is not a detailed thought left out of the text on that particular character. At first it was a bit confusing but eventually the story picked up and the random bits of crude humor helped the story keep moving. The plot of the story is an intense heroic one that makes a listener feel good inside. After being inside the three characters heads for half an hour the action picks up when the man kidnapps Allison and takes her to his van to rape her. Kyle saw the whole thing and against his own will convinced himself to run out across the street and gash in the head of the kidnapper with a rock. This is a story of an underdog who prevailed and saved the pretty girl; its an old theme written in the unique style of George Saunders who put a modern twist on the underdog theme.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Thesis for my Informative Paper

Increasing cases of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) have caused the sudden awareness of the issue's severity in the United States and in particular south-eastern Minnesota.

  1. The detailed story of hundreds of elk infected with a particular severe are killed off in Zumbrota MN, people's reaction to why elk were killed, Importance of wiping out the elk farm.
  2. Thesis
  3. Short background info on CWD
  4. Relevance to the United States
  5. Relevance to SE MN
  6. Raise Question "Hoes this affect human beings?/ Why do we car?"
Supporting Ideas:
  •  Background Info
  1. Origin of Disease
  2. What it is
  3. Medical Quotes from professionals pertaining to severity of disease
  4. Specific severe cases, reason to worry
  • CWD relevance to the entire united states
  1. Specific nation-wide cases
  2. Written map of how it has spread from state to state
  3. National public opinion of disease compared to a Professionals opinion
  4. What we can expect in the next 5 years on a national level
  • CWD impact on local south-eastern Minnesota
  1. Block dialogue from local recent newspaper article
  2. The local people's opinions and arguments
  3. Why are the steps being taken to prevent the disease controversial
  4. Quotes from local professionals (DNR officer's, public officials)
  5. The future of SE Minnesota and CWD
  • How does the disease intervene with the human race
  1. Vivid details of disease in humans
  2. How this can happen
  3. What we have prepared if it does happen
  • Tie The four supporting ideas together
  • explain the overall importance of the awareness of CWD
possible usable reference sites:

    Basic structure of a paper

    Strong Introduction
    • hook the reader
    • Work as a road map for rest of the paper
    • Include an obvious thesis statement
    • Note: avoid listing supporting ideas that will become the topic sentences for your body paragraph.
    Body Paragraphs
    • Provide ideas that support the thesis in the form of of topic sentences
    • Provide cited ideas and facts-both quoted and paraphrased-from research materials
    • Provide accurate analysis and interpretation of the cited material, in your own words
    • make claims, provide examples, explain how those examples support your claims
    • Transition Sentences 
    • Ties together the thesis and supporting ideas
    • Poses a final, conclusive statement/claim
    • Might include a quote that helps reiterate central themes/ideas
    • Might prose questions for further study
    • Note: avoid restating thesis and supporting ideas, no "in conclusion"

        Monday, February 28, 2011

        Narrowing Down Informative Topics

        What Intrests me:
        Professional and college basketball and football
        exotic/rare animals
        new-age/electrical vehicles
        radiation from cell phones/lab tops
        global warming
        steroids in animals

        I'm knowledgeable about:
        art and design
        animals as a whole
        health and working out
        football and basketball on all levels

        I want to learn about:
        the environment
        graphical design
        how businesses run efficiently
        how to cook/make new foods

        Narrowed down topic:
        Steroids in animals-
        • What are the main facts of this idea and where did it come from.
        • How do meat companies today use drugs to produce larger animals and what affect does that have on us.
        • What are farmers feeding their animals that is different than 20 years ago and how it affects us.